The following are Links to the international and national bodies that the municipal body of Predappio is a cohesive member of:
— EUROM, European Observatory on Memory, European network of prestigious institutions coordinated by the Foundation of the University of Barcelona;
— ATRIUM, European Route on the Architecture of the Totalitarian Regimes in an Urban Management, coordinated by the municipal body of Forlì and recognised by the European Council;
— Institute for the History of the Resistance and the contemporary Age of Forlì-Cesena.
These are joined by the Links of the Bodies with which the municipal body of Predappio has signed collaboration agreements at various levels on the project of the Ex Casa del Fascio e dell’Ospitalità.
— Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì;
— Ser.In.Ar Scpa Forlì-Cesena
— Istituto per la storia e le memorie del 900 PARRI;
— Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino.